Whitehill Financial Management is a small IFA firm, directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, run by me, Richard Whitehill. I started as a financial adviser in 1994, so I’ve accumulated over 28 years of experience giving face-to-face advice in the Halifax and West Yorkshire area, and I’ve been an Independent Financial Adviser since 2001.
In 2013 I decided I would work towards my Chartered Financial Planner status. This is generally accepted as being the ‘gold-standard’ of financial planning, and I achieved this in 2016.
I also decided to work towards the even higher level of ‘Fellow’ through additional advanced-level exams, and I also achieved this in 2016. That makes me a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society in addition to being a Chartered Financial Planner. This is the highest possible level of qualification for a financial adviser.
My job is to take someone’s financial situation, no matter how simple or complicated it is, and advise on the best solution(s). At the same time I try to keep things down-to-earth and understandable.
I’m a ‘general practitioner’ IFA, so I cover all areas of financial advice. Most of my work is in investments, income from investments, pensions, retirement and savings. Tax planning and inheritance tax planning also feature frequently, as does mortgage advice and family protection (life insurance etc).Initial meetings are free and without obligation in order to discuss your needs and how I might be able to help. Potential advice costs are discussed at the initial meeting and are always agreed in advance.
Not all Inheritance Tax Planning and Trusts are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.